Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Houseboat and Saturday Night

If you are interested in renting a houseboat for Thursday night let me know. It will be $30 per person. I need to know ASAP so we can get it reserved. The houseboat is on Lake Mead at exhange 6. I think it's a really good idea but I want everyone's input. Just leave a comment and tell me what you think. The lodging information is on the Ragnar website. I would not let me paste in the link for whatever reason.

We also need to know if you plan on spending the night in Las Vegas on Saturday night. We need to get hotels worked out. I think they will be very in expensive for hotel rooms depending on how many people we have staying on Saturday night. I think there will be a girl room and guy rooms. Since there are many more guys than girls.


  1. a houseboat sounds good to me. What time are you thinking that we would need to be leaving on Thursday. The time off work for Jonathan is the hardest obstacle, oh and money....ugh. I wish money wasn't a concern.

    But right now I am trying to decide if I will have my husband drive me down, since he will most likely be driving me back, and I might as well only pay gas for our own vehicle.

  2. Oh and no I won't be staying in a hotel on Saturday night.
